Saturday, July 30, 2005

lazy lazy...

lots of insignificant stuff happen this week.. too much.. too lazy <_<

Saturday, July 23, 2005


eh.. woke up LATE todaay.. was very surprised to see the time was 3pm when i woke up(never woke this late before!)

anyways.. later that night.. like at 6.. went to aunties house.. for another family gathering.. no real reason.. just fancy food and stuff lol.. i sat with the adults ont e big table.. eat eat.. drink my beer :D

then just hung around in my cousins room.. all of us kids there just mucked around on the computer and watched movies that night.. starwars episode 4 and 5.. and the first half of 'the god must be crazy 2' <_<

one of my little cousins..(liek 5 years old) dozed off liek during the movies.. was drinking her bottole.. so we took it away and put on table.. thern we were muckign around.. moving her arms androunf and stuff.. stretching her face to make funny faces lol.. then one of my cousin got a toy flip phone we had put it in her hand and like.. make it liek she was talking.. well she they took grip of it.. then put it to her mouth.. and sucked it.. then wel all laughed...hahahaha (thinkign it was a bottle in her hands in that sleeping state^^) then she woke up a bit.. got cranky.. we then gave her her bottle and yeh..

Thursday, July 21, 2005


today.. somehow the seating patterns are different.. i got a seat around the front .. haha such a tedious day today.. learning scales(i alredy know<_<) and making borders.. and line thicknesses.. and stuff.. very tedious day it was.. talked to guy next to me.. his name was steve.. and were int he same group for monday CAD class whee... lunchtime that day i bought nealry everything else i needed.. ahh.. big 55$ a2 flat carry case thingy.. and a graphite pencil..
still had some time to go so walked over to the markets and stuff.. bought myself some cheap oolong tea(20 teabags yay) and the cheapest congee i could buy(70c)

today also went over to the stuent association.. showed i paid for membershit in my recipt.. so they gave me a sticker on my student card+ gave me a gift bag.. whee.. pen.. coffeemug.. mini calculator.. and vouchers and stuff.. and a MCdonalds VIP card.. and ltos other stuff.. including a condom AND sachel of 'warming lubricant'(that was unexpected) expect those to expire one day^^ unless i get lucky with myself one day.. hmm lala

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

so lazy.. but much to say


today.. went to the first class.. was liek 2 minutes late.. got a bad seat.. to the side of the room.. sitting with most of the partitme students.. arrogantish loudish guys.. not my type of group >_> stay quiet.. minium chit-chat .. kyaa loserr

anyways.. most of the morning.. zzzzzzz talking.. listening.. was tring my best nto to doze off.. too much yawning.. wanna listen..

so have lunchbreak/ buying stuff time.. me alone.. walkign around.. walkign with the flood of students to the student shop lol.. expensive stuff.. spend just under 100$ that day on stuff.. and more stuff stil to be bought!

met an old friend in the foyer of the building.. havent seen him since high school.. he doing aviation now.. fully into the study+ takign lessons i heard.. whee.. didnt have much time to talk though.. got on elevator.. then had to get off my level.. bleh

so anyways.. back.. with stuff.. i forgot ot buy a graphite pen for that afternoon.. luckliy guy next to me had extra one.. lent me it yay... was shocked at what we had to do.. SKETCH STUFF like in art class.. see potplants and watter bottole placed on stools up front.. kyaaa.. ive never done this before .. liek since 7th grade.. i have no artisitc talent!! at all.. i ahvent even liek tried.. lookign aroudn at everyone looks goood.. but the i have a crack at it.. draw on 2 A2 sheets.. one fo the pot plant(a freaking VINE).. and other the waterbottle

after everyone draw both things.. we all have to stick them up ont he walls.. one half of the room for the pot plant and the other for bottle drawing..

then we all had to get up with a pen.. and mark the top 3 drawings of each thing we thought was best.. well i was happy i got 4 marks on the pot plant drawing^^ but got none for my bottle lol.. oh well..

and the top guys in the class in both drawings got as prize.. a free clutch pencil, lala

mmm.. then went home

Monday, July 18, 2005

zeh zeh

ahh.. first day.. bler.

cool building.. its closer to the staation that where i did my last course.. and the elevators.. THEY TALK "this is level..3" and so on.. haha

ppl waiting outside the room.. for about 20 minutes until someone came.. he was like "oh your here?" blah blah.. he goes to office or something.. to call our teacher maybe.. but then the teacher comes at that time.. confusion everyone is..

says we shoudl come tomorrow!, as half the students are comming tomorrow.. so he said for us to come then so he casn just do a one big briefing.. so yeh.. but since we were there he let us into the room and had us write down our details.. etc

whee.. some cute girls in the class.. maybe i should of wore my glasses.. bleh i shouldnt be thinking this way.. lala

so after that everyone just went home.. at liek 10am.. i didnt wanna go straight home so wandered off deep into the city.. did much foraging there.. browsing through the stores.. considering to buy the new garbage albulm.. but meh.. looking through the manga comics places.. whee.. and at kinokuniya, they had 70% off old random stock, i was thinking of buying some random inuyasha or dragonball manga.. but meh.. just bought one of the oldish discounted shounen jump thingys.. just under 5$ AU.. pretty good... and at first when ibring to counter.. guy scan it.. 15$.. then im like.. what.. its on sale.. he turns it over and sees the 70% off sticker.. so like.. hes liek yeh.. punches somethign in the register,, thats...15$ im like.. what.., he then calls the guy next to him help.. and then teaches him there how to punch in the % ratio whatevers.. so yeh.. then gives me the correct price.. then im off..

i then went home

Sunday, July 17, 2005


last night in an effort to go to sleep easy and earlier(get ready for swaking early for classes startign next week) i was gonna drink a cup of wine on suggestion from friends on msn.. haha

well i went to the wine casket.. but it was liek empty.. only got like half a cup of wine.. not enuff.. so i was looking around.. ahh.. saw a bottle of some alcohol stuff.. hazel nut thingy.. oh well.. pour some into my cup of wine.. then i mix it up.. took a sip.. eww.. and on suggestion from friend again.. for me to just skul it down.. so i did.. halfway in the skul.. i kinda coughed it back in the cup.. btu then it all just came down int he end.. ach.. spend leik 5 seconds just standing there 'adjusting' to the taste.. kee
was plann inign to be in bed by 1pm.. bah got to bed about 2:30.. lol.. damn people keeping me up chatting msn.. gaah

eee.. a bit nervous about goign tomorrow.. hope i dont wake late and come there after everyone else!
eee.. meeting new people again.. meet new teacher(s) introduce myself again.. explain my teeth again.. talk about school.. and past stuff with everyone.. blaah.. lol
and hope the course isnt tooo hard or too much for me to handle.. otherwise.. bah dunno.. burn

Saturday, July 16, 2005


took a walk today.. bought some cheap 2$ box of chow mein to eat(end of day, quick sell)

had another WIERD dream again.... eh

Thursday, July 14, 2005

hungry hungary hippos

random bored me..

was making cereal to eat.. went to fridge.. no milk.. poured the cereal back into the box.. tried using a funnel to make it easier/faster.. chunks got jammed in the funnel neck.. bah..

then just used a folded newspaper to put the cereal back into the box

i have no life -_-

Wednesday, July 13, 2005


had a wierd dream the other night.. eh too lazy

Tuesday, July 12, 2005


nothing much..

today while my sister picking up her books and papers.. starts screaming hysterically.. then shes like.. calls me over to clean up.. she was screaming as she touched a dead lizard that was "squishy and gross" .. ahh blame burger
[/post edit]

was bored.. so was a friend.. so walked out to the shops.. had lunch at burger king.. walked around.. browsing lots of things at mall didnt buy anything though,.,.. then went outta the mall.. to asian grocer.. was plannign to buy a drink.. but on looking around decided to go buy pocky sticks instead, already familar with the typical chocolate and strawberry ones.. so i tried~ coffee falvour... eh not that good.. next time i buy i'll stick to good 'ol choco

yeh and today.. my mum call me to help.. she was in the bathroom.. cut her finger in the kitchen before.. needed my help to put on the bandaids lol.. needed to put 2 on.. slippery... when putting them on saw the blood comming out of the holes in the bandaid.. whee and blodd was all over the basin.. and on my fingers too ahh.. oh well

Monday, July 11, 2005


lala.. nothing much

had a really good sleep last night.. really cosy and comfortable.. fell asleep without effort^^ and this morning.. woke up at liek 1AM.. omg pig.. and burger was curled up snoozing next to me too.. haha i got out of bed as not to disturb him

err.. and today.. watched the movie.. "I am Sam" it was showing on TV so i watched.. nice movie.. ive seen it liek 2 times before alredy but yeh.. haha this movie introduced me to the sweetie Dakota Fanning.. (IM NOT PEDO) i can see shes going places in her career for the future

Saturday, July 09, 2005

cold sore feet...

havent blogged in a while.. lazy,, nothincg much happening.. so i'll just pick up from today ...

was in the basement today helping my mum out spraying the wood structure and floor bits with the chemical solution sprayer thingy.. to keep termites and stuff out.. i was pumping the thingy machine and moving the light around.. bleh

maybe about 2 hours there.. spraying all around.. the entire basement area is only liek what..1 to 1.5 metres high.. AHH squatting for all thaaat times..

and the chemical smell.. argh.. not much vetilation in basement i guess.. haha.. and bits of the spray floating ontous.. arrgh not that bad but took showers right after the whole thing..

and when we just starting it..(basement very dark, not many light sources, i wouldnt dare go to basement by myself <_< ) yeh.. hear rustling of plastic bags around boxes of stuff.. waaah! then burger pops out.... hmmm and runs off..

he was hanging around with us for a bit though.. running around the dirt and loooking at us and stuff.. haha freakysometimes.. shining a weak flashlight into the distant darkness and see his eyes light up..

well after the whole basement thing.. yay straight back, yay fresh air, ahh sore feet :( well just the front bit of the feet.. cause most of the time i was squatting down with my heels raised(nod good for you, but better manouverability for me) still hurting now.. ow

Tuesday, July 05, 2005


this evening.. liek dark time.. mum call me to bathroom.. for lizard cleanup duty..[burger the hunter] so i head to kitchen for a batch of newspapers..

and sister then calls me to go to basement.. get he some potatoes.. cause shes too scared to go down now herself..[im scared of that stuff to.. but meh..] then i told her to go clean up the lizard then.. she was liek.. "why me"// bah i just walked on..

went to basement.. fiddling around for the light switch.. smelly.. burger musta pooped somewhere nearby.. turned on the light.. looked for the potatoes.. found some.. then i look down.. my big toe .. covered in buger poop.. musta stepped on it somehwere! omg... even though i was wearing flipflops, when i squat down.. and twist around my toe moves off the footing.. argh..

so i get the potatoes.. and head out.. then hop us the backsteps.. hop into the house.. hope to give my sister the potatoes.. hop to the bath.. then wash my feet.. smelly bad burger..

then see on the ground near the bin there.. a lizard.. not dead but squirming around! missing part of its tail too.. burger must of gnawed him good..

well i got some toilet paper.. and quick picked up the lizard.. then went off outside to throw away in the big bin..

meh, oh yeah.. also bit the side of my toungue today.. ouch.. and bit it about 2 times more before.. further owwies..

Sunday, July 03, 2005


eh.. went for first driving lesson with professional instructor.. he was cool.. typical chinese guy though.. mr steven lee haha.. wore his sun glasses for the fiurst 10 minutes of the lesson though.. before starting to tick off the stuff in my logbook,, but was agood 1 hour lesson.. learn to "look ahead" dont look at the cars, dont look at the people just look ahead, look at the entrance.. he repeated that so many times.. aha..

so yeh... was bored... later that eveing.. so decided to go see a movie.. war of the worlds.. weant with mohan.. one guy didnt come cause he didnt have his car with him:( and another.. was lazy to come.. bastard... even thoguh i told him what to do and what time it was planned.. it was he who even suggested going to a movie in the first place.. him complainign about playing RO all day.. but guess what.. even during our MSN planning process he was busy playing RO.. comming in every so often to see whats up.. then tell him we going.. what time movie starts.. [about 6:50pm] be there about 6:30

well he didnt turn up.. onyl when i came hopme later that night got his msn message.. said he lazy to come.. dated 6:18pm gay, playing RO.. tooo long grr.. same guy who didnt bother going on thursday with us

well the movie was reaaaly good.. cool suspensful terror feeling it gave.. anyone who complains about this movie is a stupid blockhead that didnt understand anything cause its not one of those movies where everything is layed out(cough, independance day)

meh thats it.. then walked home..

my blog sucks.. details every little thing i do.. even though my life seems full of crap its amazingly empty

Friday, July 01, 2005

long day..


i'll try to summarise stuff..

went over to meet everyone at the food court only 2 other guys came, rang the other one.. said he come by later when we playing games.. so yeh.. we go eat stuff.. i bought and shared a KFC batman box meal thingy with another guy.. it was gay cause we shared the same cup and had both our straws in it..(didnt take our sips at the same time FYI)

so la di da~ go to the PC cafe.. was just afyer 6pm so we bought that 5$ for 5 hours deal(playing for at least 2.5 hours makes it worth it anyways) played some battlefield 1942 for a while.. also waiting for the last guy to rock up.. well he didint.. so we started playing warcraft 3.. for a loong while.. then one friend had to leave liek 8:30 to pick up his sister from somewhere.. so was down to me and mohan.. we finished off that warcraft game.. killed the big boss at the end(hero map) around the time that other guy left, we got a call from another guy.. calling us down to the pub a few suburbs away.. so after we finish the game, we left (about 9:20)
waiting for bus.. twas the last day til my concession card expired so it was cool:)
in the bus i take my mobile out to muck about and stuff.. see a sms message.. dated 5:30 that evening.. basically said he was lazy to go out, next time.. blah blah.. sorry.. yeh.. lala

get off at our stop.. go to the wrong tavern.. call the guy up again.. he was in the one across the street <_<

nice place there.. about a dozen pool tables in the pool area, met the guy up there.. david.. old school friend.. + his group of friends (never met them all myself..) richard, jacob(found out went to same uni, same course, as i did for liek a couple of months last year, before i dropped out.. bah), and amy(seems liek she was in the same bus as me and mohan were in comming there.. she didnt wanna turn around and say "are you davids friends" blah)

so sit around.. have some drink.. play pool.. i only played liek 2 games that night.. lsot both.. but came really close in my second game with the best guy there, richard for the night lol.. neck and neck with the black ball.. baah

felt tipsy and some effects aroudn midnight.. but it wore off by about 3am though..

bunch of perverts those people are.. "have you done a virgin before?" .. and other.. more inappropriate, personal.. perverted type questions.. mainly asked by the girl to us guys 0_o too open about sex and masterbation.. something me and my type of group doesnt discuss so blatantly.. lol

barteneder also gave us a special mix he had.. 5$.. whoa.. but they said it was nice.. and strongish.. so i gave ti a try.. it was pink so.. whee first ti tasted nice.. fruity.. but then with the typical aftertaste.. then later into the drink.. it tasted worser.. like bad cough medicine.. bah.. and there were liek 3 other same cups of it on the small table.. everyone ended up takign sips of eachothers drinks + mohan scabbing sips(didnt pay any for the pink drinks!) well.. yeh somsoene ended up finishing the last 1/5th of my drink.. batards..

so was about 3am.. closing time for that bar pool hall thing.. the guys decide to go across the road tot he kareoke bar.. for singing+ more drinks.. well.. i decline and opt to go home.. sleepy.. haha mohan decides to follow me.. um yeh ;)

say our goodbyes.., hugs and handshakes.. then set off home.. walking.. since bus services stop at late night~.. yeh/./ walk along.. home.. he got home after a 40 minutes and i had another 20 minutes tto reach my house// a 1 hour walk alltogether that night..

got home.. took my 3rd piss for that night.. took a drink of juice.. ate some bits of pasta.. got on MSN for a bit.. chat to some confused american people.. then brush my teeth and went to bed..

almost a 12 hour outing that was.. zzz

and woke up today at 2pm.. wah./. late.. was meant to have a driving lesson instructor thing today at 2:45.. but i was liek.. eeeh stuff it tired.. let my sister take it