Sunday, July 03, 2005


eh.. went for first driving lesson with professional instructor.. he was cool.. typical chinese guy though.. mr steven lee haha.. wore his sun glasses for the fiurst 10 minutes of the lesson though.. before starting to tick off the stuff in my logbook,, but was agood 1 hour lesson.. learn to "look ahead" dont look at the cars, dont look at the people just look ahead, look at the entrance.. he repeated that so many times.. aha..

so yeh... was bored... later that eveing.. so decided to go see a movie.. war of the worlds.. weant with mohan.. one guy didnt come cause he didnt have his car with him:( and another.. was lazy to come.. bastard... even thoguh i told him what to do and what time it was planned.. it was he who even suggested going to a movie in the first place.. him complainign about playing RO all day.. but guess what.. even during our MSN planning process he was busy playing RO.. comming in every so often to see whats up.. then tell him we going.. what time movie starts.. [about 6:50pm] be there about 6:30

well he didnt turn up.. onyl when i came hopme later that night got his msn message.. said he lazy to come.. dated 6:18pm gay, playing RO.. tooo long grr.. same guy who didnt bother going on thursday with us

well the movie was reaaaly good.. cool suspensful terror feeling it gave.. anyone who complains about this movie is a stupid blockhead that didnt understand anything cause its not one of those movies where everything is layed out(cough, independance day)

meh thats it.. then walked home..

my blog sucks.. details every little thing i do.. even though my life seems full of crap its amazingly empty


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