eh.. woke up LATE todaay.. was very surprised to see the time was 3pm when i woke up(never woke this late before!)
anyways.. later that night.. like at 6.. went to aunties house.. for another family gathering.. no real reason.. just fancy food and stuff lol.. i sat with the adults ont e big table.. eat eat.. drink my beer :D
then just hung around in my cousins room.. all of us kids there just mucked around on the computer and watched movies that night.. starwars episode 4 and 5.. and the first half of 'the god must be crazy 2' <_<
one of my little cousins..(liek 5 years old) dozed off liek during the movies.. was drinking her bottole.. so we took it away and put on table.. thern we were muckign around.. moving her arms androunf and stuff.. stretching her face to make funny faces lol.. then one of my cousin got a toy flip phone we had put it in her hand and like.. make it liek she was talking.. well she they took grip of it.. then put it to her mouth.. and sucked it.. then wel all laughed...hahahaha (thinkign it was a bottle in her hands in that sleeping state^^) then she woke up a bit.. got cranky.. we then gave her her bottle and yeh..
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