Wednesday, July 20, 2005

so lazy.. but much to say


today.. went to the first class.. was liek 2 minutes late.. got a bad seat.. to the side of the room.. sitting with most of the partitme students.. arrogantish loudish guys.. not my type of group >_> stay quiet.. minium chit-chat .. kyaa loserr

anyways.. most of the morning.. zzzzzzz talking.. listening.. was tring my best nto to doze off.. too much yawning.. wanna listen..

so have lunchbreak/ buying stuff time.. me alone.. walkign around.. walkign with the flood of students to the student shop lol.. expensive stuff.. spend just under 100$ that day on stuff.. and more stuff stil to be bought!

met an old friend in the foyer of the building.. havent seen him since high school.. he doing aviation now.. fully into the study+ takign lessons i heard.. whee.. didnt have much time to talk though.. got on elevator.. then had to get off my level.. bleh

so anyways.. back.. with stuff.. i forgot ot buy a graphite pen for that afternoon.. luckliy guy next to me had extra one.. lent me it yay... was shocked at what we had to do.. SKETCH STUFF like in art class.. see potplants and watter bottole placed on stools up front.. kyaaa.. ive never done this before .. liek since 7th grade.. i have no artisitc talent!! at all.. i ahvent even liek tried.. lookign aroudn at everyone looks goood.. but the i have a crack at it.. draw on 2 A2 sheets.. one fo the pot plant(a freaking VINE).. and other the waterbottle

after everyone draw both things.. we all have to stick them up ont he walls.. one half of the room for the pot plant and the other for bottle drawing..

then we all had to get up with a pen.. and mark the top 3 drawings of each thing we thought was best.. well i was happy i got 4 marks on the pot plant drawing^^ but got none for my bottle lol.. oh well..

and the top guys in the class in both drawings got as prize.. a free clutch pencil, lala

mmm.. then went home


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