Tuesday, July 05, 2005


this evening.. liek dark time.. mum call me to bathroom.. for lizard cleanup duty..[burger the hunter] so i head to kitchen for a batch of newspapers..

and sister then calls me to go to basement.. get he some potatoes.. cause shes too scared to go down now herself..[im scared of that stuff to.. but meh..] then i told her to go clean up the lizard then.. she was liek.. "why me"// bah i just walked on..

went to basement.. fiddling around for the light switch.. smelly.. burger musta pooped somewhere nearby.. turned on the light.. looked for the potatoes.. found some.. then i look down.. my big toe .. covered in buger poop.. musta stepped on it somehwere! omg... even though i was wearing flipflops, when i squat down.. and twist around my toe moves off the footing.. argh..

so i get the potatoes.. and head out.. then hop us the backsteps.. hop into the house.. hope to give my sister the potatoes.. hop to the bath.. then wash my feet.. smelly bad burger..

then see on the ground near the bin there.. a lizard.. not dead but squirming around! missing part of its tail too.. burger must of gnawed him good..

well i got some toilet paper.. and quick picked up the lizard.. then went off outside to throw away in the big bin..

meh, oh yeah.. also bit the side of my toungue today.. ouch.. and bit it about 2 times more before.. further owwies..


Blogger Himeno said...

i agree kittys are adorable but if i have 2 deal with cleaning up after it..then i can forget about ever having a pet >.< no pets..no brothers/sisters, i can live with that :)

1:39 am  
Blogger ddoma said...

you dont have to clean up after your brothers or sisters <_<

2:32 pm  
Blogger Himeno said...

the little ones <_<

1:24 am  

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