doma days/..
bah.. headache..
this evening.. plan going with brother to some factory outlet at fox studio grounds.. parents decided to come along.. sister went movie with friends.. yeh.. so dad drives.. driving alog.. then start bickering over routes to get there.. left, right, straight!! no this way is faster!.. gaah
well somehow got slighty lost, stopped car.. and decided to look at street directory.. it under the seats.. me being in back seat bend over and look around.. dad accidentily elbows me in the head asking for me to look for it >_> he didnt notice he hit me, bah, no use makign a ruckus so i just gave the directory and sat back rubbing my head..
la di da.. finnaly get there.. an hour and a half after we left the house..
walk around the place.. really craphole.. messy and stuff.. not as good as the other direct factory outlet on the other side of town. split up.. walk around.. not as cheaap as i imagined.. CD and DVDs "as low as" 1$ and other stuff "up to 70%" off
met up with brother and decide to go out for a bit to the nearby arcade street thing.. got some coffee.. $3.60 coffees..>_> and a box of potato wedges $3.90.. waaah
went back in.. met up with parents.. see jeans they think i would like.. so cheap.. 28$.. it was okay.. looked to fit.. so might as well buy it.. dad wanted me to go over to corner and try them on.. like no way! even though im a guy, and wearing shorts under im not that shameless.. bler..
so thats it..
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