typical day today..
majella called me half-eccentric today in CAD class.. i dunno if i should of been grateful or disturbed by that comment.. all i did was pick up a ball of paper and throw it at the bin.. a fast attempt, deflected off the fire extinguisher and got it in.. swoosh.., then humbly turn around to my computer.. mmm
for workshop class, our normal teacher was back from his trip to helsinki.. for some thing you could say as an "engineering olympics", well his team won the gold, gold for Australia! won by 3 points.. haha
but he was busy doing other things so we got another teacher for the day.. he was cool.. first up went to the floor.. showed us the computer operated lathes and millers.. really cool.. i like how the miller has a robotic arm which replaces the spindle mounts auomatically.. off a conveyer belt.. cool robot and hydraulic sounds and all.. and some of us got a bit wet from the lubricant spinning outta the machine, cause teacher said we didnt need to put the guard up >_>
well yeah.. then on the computer lathe.. made us all pawn pieces.. about 30 seconds each to make.. quick!
can see my piece here:

had fire drill too.. was quite exciting with the loud beeping and the orange twirling sirens >_<, not. teacher ignored it for a bit and continue talkign to us about the machines.. then the head security guy walk about.. tell us to go.. bah
had a break.. dunno how but got involved in a berry war.. throwing these berries(mostly a big seed with skin) at eachother.. well.. me vs aslan, our collateral damage resulted in random retalliations..
and at the end fo the day, while walking out.. i poke my hand into the payphone machines (half fool/half greedy) and i actually feel something.. allotta coins.. jackpot! 80 cents all together.. i was happy for a while.. bragging it to my friends.. they jealous.. haha
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