Sunday, December 05, 2004

Weekend Summary


planned to go watch movie 'Team America: World Police' at 9:20pm.. friend charles called to hang out for a bit about 5:30 around the area.. cause his little brother finish school then..

pretty much played warcraft and CS til then..

only mohan came that night.. shoiab was probably too buggered to go..

dodgy funny movie.. when we went outta cinema Charles little brother Marco picked up something good.. "dicks pussies and arseholes" he said randomly.. 0_o

trainline was in maintinence so bus services were on but i just called my dad to come in car.. mohans classmate Daniel was coincidently there as well.. and only 4 seats on car to use.. so then mohan and daniel were in some kind of gay courtesy offering debate.. mohan won and he walked home .. the loser he was..

so car came.. sister was in front seat too.. musta been on for the ride :\ unexpected.. so all 4 of us squeezed in the back seat anyways.. (nothing sus ;) ) then drove about homes..

err went dentist.. quick adjustment on me.. good news.. dentist say my teeth going on nicely.. will finally look normal by early next year.. about mid january.. .. missing tooth not fun

went shopping.. got some rice crackers and stuff thats about it lala


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