notty kitty

Burger Nguyen..
Guilty of:
scratching furniture
moving things around when playing
messing the house
scratching and biting our arms hands and legs
playing with my feet in the morning and waking my up(tickles >_>)
jumping on top of me when im sleeping
sleeping: on me or around my head on the pillow
biting domas nose once
kicking kitty litter out of the tray onto the tiles where we walk
having smelly breath
sleeping on top of my guitar bag
sleeping on my bed
sleeping on our clean cloths
suddenly jumping into our laps and taking a nap
jumping up onto the table when we traying to have dinner
chewing up my (old)mobile phone charger cable
visual evidence here
walking across my keyboard when im trying to type
taking nap near computer mouse, getting in the way of my mouse usage
sitting on top of monitor and battering the screen at the moving mouse cursor
video evidence here (trying to look innocent!)
and guilty of much more stuff i couldnt remember of now
but most of all guilty of being too cute and lovable

no worries
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